Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Have you set your GOALS?

Have you set your GOALS yet? No dreams will becomes true if there's no effective goal setting. I would like to share some of the top most important tips for goals setting:

1. Get clear on what you truly desire - The most important aspect of goal setting is to have goals you truly want to achieve, as you're more likely to stay motivated and stay focused.

2. Have a plan of how you want to achieve your goals - For each goal, you should create a number of actions you need to complete. They could be daily, weekly or monthly actions or activities that you need to undertake. This creates momentum and focus to achieve goals.

3. Choose one activity that you must complete each day, no matter what - This is important so that your subconscious starts to take notice and becomes aware that you're serious about achieveing waht you set out to achieve.

4. Focus on your goals every day - It is essential that you read your goals at least once everyday, first thing in the morning and again before bed and carry a photo or picture of your goal.

5. Celebrate your goals - Lastly and possibly, the most fun aspect of goal setting is to celebrate when you achieve a goal. Take the time to acknowledge your hard work, be proud of yourself and enjoy where you're now before embarking on the next adventure.

Happy setting your goals and achieving it! Don't hesitate to contact me at 012-5756451 if you need any assistance.

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